I just had no luck searching for this topic. Any one come across the same idea please shed me some lights.
Any cheap (universal) programmer out there can be used to compile 8051 C programs and also capable of writing the hex file into 8051 derivatives? I would also like to know what packages/compilers/similators to drive this programmer.
Why don't you ask your questions on this website: http://www.blurtit.com/ . I am pretty sure you'll get an answer quicker than here.
i've seen that you have asked the same question on blurt. If you don't get a reply in couple hours, your question can get forgotten. You may need to aim more specific forum sites. Here are couple examples:
I spent some time to find those sites for you. hope they will help you.
Sorry wordpress keeps blocking your comments because of those links.
Thanks MGA, are you from Xeltek? Xeltek provides excellent programmers, but it's a bit costy. I've seen some self-made programmer so I'm wondering if these programmer can be independent of what OS/software to be used.
what you meant by linux programmer ?
1. you can use SDCC for compiling C programs
2. you can install WINE
and use MIDE-51
using Asim's programmer you can burn hex files to AT89SXX uC's
You could also use s51dude from:
It can program the AT89SXX using a cheap USB board.
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