Monday, January 28, 2013

Arch Linux: systemctl dhcpcd netcfg problem

I think the Arch Linux dhcpd / dhcpcd thing is kinda broke...
I read many installation guide which says to start dhcp use the following command but it NEVER works for me:
# systemctl enable dhcpcd@.service 
eth0 or enp2s1 whatever won't work.  I don't know what the heck is enp2s1 in my system...

Anyway, this is what I do to fix it(mine is just VMware NAT network):

  1. cp /etc/network.d/examples/ethernet-dhcp /etc/network.d/mynetwork
  2. vi /etc/network.d/mynetwork  , modified line INTERFACE='enp2s1'
  3. try in root, netcfg mymetwork, see if it can fetch IP properly
  4. if everything looks good, # systemctl enable netcfg@mynetwork
It should create the symbolic link.  Then reboot to see if it works properly...

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